Job Description
Industry: Higher Education
Seniority for this role: Entry level
The Department of Management at Aarhus BSS, Aarhus University, invites applications for an assistant professor position in the field of Applied Natural Language Processing. The assistant professorship is an open-ended tenure-track position with a tenure review in four to five years and where the employee, after a maximum of 6 years, transitions to a position as associate professor after a positive assessment. The starting date is May 1, 2025 or as soon as possible hereafter subject to mutual agreement. Read more about tenure track employments at Aarhus BSS. Job Description The ideal applicant will be part of the Department of Management on the tenure track and part of TEXT, a new Center of Excellence funded by the Danish National Research Foundation. The applicant will split their research time on two of TEXTs work packages; one focusing on formal linguistic analyses (led by Associate Professor of Linguistics, Rebekah Baglini), and one focusing on implementing and testing practical applications of Large Language Models in educational, research, and business contexts (led by Assistant Professor of Management, Arthur Hjorth). All teaching and supervision activities will take place at the Department of Management. We expect you to teach and supervise students at the Bachelor’s and Master’s levels and to carry out individual and group-based research of the highest international standard contributing to the development of the academic field in question. The department especially welcomes applicants who can teach and supervise in the following areas: Coding Data Analysis Natural Language Processing Practical applications of Large Language Models Qualifications To qualify for the position as assistant professor in Applied Natural Language Processing, you must hold a relevant PhD or have equivalent qualifications. Applicants Should Possess a Strong Academic Background With a Relevant PhD Degree Or Equivalent Qualifications In Computational Linguistics, Cognitive Sciences, Learning Sciences, Computer Science, Or a Related Field. The Ideal Candidate Will Have The Following Qualifications: A promising record of research in Applied Natural Language Processing, as evidenced by publications in reputed international journals and conferences. A clear and well-developed strategy for future high-quality research, aligning with the objectives of TEXT’s work packages. Teaching experience or demonstrated potential for excellence in teaching, course management, and student supervision in the areas listed above. An interest in engaging with industry and society, promoting dialogue with practitioners, and exploring practical applications of language technologies. A track record of or demonstrated potential for attracting external research funding. Evidence of scientific leadership or a strong potential for it, reflected in abilities such as managing research projects, engaging in collaborations across disciplines and with industry, and participating in international networks. For non-Danish speakers, a willingness to acquire a reasonable knowledge of the Danish language within three years. The department will provide support for learning Danish during the first two years of employment. As this is an assistant professor position on tenure track, we value potential and promise as much as proven track records. We encourage early-career researchers with a strong foundation in Applied Natural Language Processing to apply. Who We Are The Department of Management is one of the six departments at Aarhus BSS, one of the five faculties at Aarhus University. Aarhus BSS unites the research fields of business and social sciences bringing them closer together to reflect the close relationship between society and the business community. As part of a Top-100 university, Aarhus BSS, and specifically the Department of Management, has achieved the distinguished AASCB, AMBA and Equis accreditations. The department’s research and teaching environment is highly international and culturally diverse with a mix of Danish and international academic staff members and PhD students. We employ more than 160 academic staff including researchers, PhD students, research associates and cover a broad range of disciplines within management, e.g. marketing, international business, organization, HR, strategy, management accounting, innovation management, entrepreneurship, digitalization, and information systems. We aim to conduct high-quality research, and we give high priority to publishing our research in leading academic journals and presenting it at recognized conferences. In addition, we have a dynamic exchange of international researchers, who stay at the department for short or long periods of time. For more information about the Department of Management, please visit: About The Center For Contemporary Cultures Of Text The Center for Contemporary Cultures of TEXT, which launches on May 1st 2025, is focused on understanding the impact of large language models (LLMs) and AI on writing cultures during this pivotal moment in history, where all aspects of text creation and use are being transformed. We believe that a research-driven understanding of the role of text in this new technological environment is essential to maintaining human-centered control over the production and use of text. The center will take on and develop solutions for challenges confronting several academic disciplines and society at large: 1) What are the effects of GAI on text culture, and how can we best assess their consequences? 2) How can research-based knowledge about GAI develop such technologies for text and their usage? 3) How can current limitations in GAI-based language generation be overcome to improve text culture in a digitized society? In essence: How can generative artificial intelligence become a common good for text culture? The center is organized in four sections: 1) Creativity and Co-Creation 2) LLM Hard Assessment 3) Addressing LLM-hard problems in practice 4) LLMs in linguistic analysis and cognitive science For more information about TEXT, please visit: Further Information About The position and the department, please contact Head of Department Jacob Kjær Eskildsen, Tel.: +45 3160 8100, Email: The position, and the planned work packages, contact WP leaders Arthur Hjorth ( and Rebekah Baglini ( Moving to, and working in Denmark as a non-Danish citizen, contact co-chair of TEXT Rebekah Baglini, If you need help uploading your application or have any questions about the recruitment process, please contact HR supporter Maria Løvgaard Bodin, Tel.: +45 8715 3445, Email: Place of work Aarhus BSS Department of Management Fuglesangs Allé 4 DK-8210 Aarhus V Denmark Deadline All applications must be made online and received by February 1, 2025. Ansættelsesvilkår Ansættelse sker i henhold til bekendtgørelse om stillingsstruktur for videnskabeligt personale ved universiteter samt cirkulære om overenskomst for akademikere i staten. Stillingsindhold og kvalifikationskrav er yderligere beskrevet i cirkulære om ansættelsesvilkår for videnskabeligt personale ved universiteter. Ansøgningsprocedure Det er obligatorisk at vedhæfte nedenstående, når du søger denne stilling: Ansøgning Curriculum Vitae. Du opfordres til at angive eventuelle orlovsperioder uden forskningsaktivitet, herunder fx barselsorlov, da dine forskningsaktiviteter vurderes i forhold til din reelle forskningstid Uddannelse (Eksamensbevis kandidat-, ph.d.- og evt. doktorgrad) Publikationsliste (de medsendte publikationer skal være tydeligt markeret på publikationslisten) Publikationer. Op til 3 publikationer kan medsendes. I tilfælde af flere forfattere vedlægges en medforfattererklæring om ansøgers andel i fællesarbejdet med tilsagn fra medforfatterne. Denne blanket kan bruges til formålet Undervisningsportfolio. De nærmere krav til dokumentationen findes her Materiale, der ikke kan uploades sammen med ansøgningen, kan indsendes i 3 eksemplarer til Aarhus BSS HR & Ph.d., Aarhus Universitet, Tåsingegade 1, 2. sal, 8000 Aarhus C. Læs mere om, hvordan du søger en videnskabelig stilling ved Aarhus BSS her. Bedømmelsesprocessen Der gøres brug af shortlisting. Det betyder, at et ansættelsesudvalg (bistået af formanden for bedømmelsesudvalget) rådgiver institutlederen om, hvilke ansøgere der samlet set bedst matcher instituttets og fakultetets rekrutteringsbehov, og som besidder ovenstående kvalifikationer, kompetencer, erfaring og potentiale. Institutlederen udvælger gennem shortlistingsprocessen de ansøgere, der skal have en grundig vurdering af deres faglige kvalifikationer. Bedømmelsesudvalget vil herefter vurdere disse ansøgere. Alle ansøgere vil blive underrettet om, hvorvidt deres ansøgninger er blevet udvalgt eller ej, og sendes til et bedømmelsesudvalg til bedømmelse. De udvalgte ansøgere vil blive informeret om udvalgets sammensætning. Vær opmærksom på, at bedømmelsen af ansøgere udelukkende er baseret på det materiale, der er modtaget inden ansøgningsfristens udløb. Du kan få yderligere oplysninger om rekrutteringsprocessen, udvælgelsesproceduren og retningslinjer for vurderingsudvalg på denne hjemmeside. Aarhus Universitet vil være en attraktiv og inspirerende arbejdsplads for alle og ønsker en kultur, hvor hver enkelt kan udfolde og udvikle sig. Vi ser ligestilling og diversitet som en styrke og opfordrer derfor alle interesserede til at ansøge . Ansøgning sendes via Aarhus Universitets rekrutteringssystem, som kan tilgås under stillingsopslaget på Aarhus Universitets hjemmeside. Show more Show less